Dear Church Family,

What a great weekend we had celebrating family!  It was such a blessing to witness three young couples publicly commit to raising their children in the knowledge of the Lord!  As their church family, we want to do our part in supporting these young families through encouragement and prayer.  Another way you can help is by serving once a month in our Kids' Life Ministry.  And if you don't have time on Sunday morning, there are lots of other ways you can bless these children by serving at the special events we host through the year.  VBS is just around the corner and there are needs for people to help decorate, set up, serve snacks, help with crafts, teach, oversee game time, tear down and a host of other areas.  I encourage you to prayerfully consider where you can serve.  Let's do all we can to help them “train up their children in the way they should go.”  

I want to thank you for your generous support of our Second Sunday collection this past week.  We had a great response to diapers and baby wipes which will be donated to Fresh Hope Ministry here in our community who assists single parent moms.

This past week we also kicked off our annual Kansas for Life Baby Bottle Project which runs thru until Father's Day.  Bottles are available at the main entrances and you simply take a bottle home and fill with loose change or bills, or even write a check and return the bottle anytime during the next month.  All of us doing a little something together can help make a big difference in providing needed funds for this ministry to continue in supporting pro-life educational efforts.

This coming Sunday we will conclude our series on “The Greatness of God”.  In preparation, please read Romans 8:35:39.  I'll look forward to seeing you in your place!

You are loved,

Pastor John


OFFERING AND TITHES:  Text to 316-364-7667 (Message is your donation amount.) Follow the prompts and your information will save for future giving. Simply text this phone number and your amount OR OR

Cards can be called in to Phyllis Crouse at the church office (316.652.0031)

Checks made payable to LifeChange Church can be given through the following avenues:

*mailed to 10225 E. Kellogg Dr, Wichita, KS 67207

*dropped in our "locked" mailbox located on the south driveway

*dropped off at the church during office hours.

Thank you for supporting LifeChange Church Ministries